Looking Ahead in 2016

UMCNativeLogoAs we move forward into 2016 Terry and Darlene will continue to Pastor the Northport Indian UMC North of Traverse City Michigan. We have created a new website for the Church! Click Here for the Website.

rainsongAs RainSong our traveling will be limited this year. If you are interested in booking us make sure you plan well in advance.

The First Nations Version Project that we are leading is creating a lot of excitement and anticipation. Over 35 Native People continue to have input as translators, reviewers, checkers and cultural consultants.

FNV Logo

The First Nations Version Project is a new translation, retelling the story of the Bible, primarily for the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (North America)

The FNV attempts to capture the clarity and beauty of our Native storytellers, while maintaining accuracy to meaning of Scripture.


Why did OneBook chose to be a part of the FNV translation? from OneBook on Vimeo.


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